All in Ethics

What modes of Christian political engagement are consistent with the Biblical vision of God's people as 'Foreigners and Exiles'?

In recent years I’ve questioned whether Christians should expect or even seek to have their religious and ethical values written into the laws of their countries of residence. In this paper I begin to unpack my thinking on the matter which remains, to this day, far from clear or complete.

The Apostolic Decree: Its Purpose, Prohibitions and Example

The decision of the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 is a significant and highly contested passage which is often used to argue for certain ethical freedoms and prohibitions in the modern Church. In this paper I explore the nature of this enigmatic passage and argue for how it should and should not be interpreted and used by the Church today.

A Constructive Christian Response to the Rise in Adolescent Gender Dysphoria

This was a bit of a passion project for me. I have had the privilege of walking alongside a number of wonderful individuals who have questioned, explored and wrestled with their gender identity. This essay provided a helpful opportunity for me to engage with this subject in depth and to work out what I felt as I went.