A Constructive Christian Response to the Rise in Adolescent Gender Dysphoria

A Constructive Christian Response to the Rise in Adolescent Gender Dysphoria

This essay was a bit of a passion project for me. Whilst working as a youth and student minister I had the privilege of walking alongside a number of wonderful individuals who were questioning, exploring and wrestling with their gender identity. This essay provided a helpful opportunity for me to engage with this subject in depth and to work out what I felt as I went. I have moved along in my thinking since I first submitted this paper, but it still offers some thoughts to those wanting to work out a constructive Christian response to those who would identify as gender dysphoric. Incidentally this piece is the most requested one I’ve ever written and also earned me the highest mark I received during my MA.

Paul, Judaism, and Justification by Faith:  Perspectives Old, New, and Beyond

Paul, Judaism, and Justification by Faith: Perspectives Old, New, and Beyond