Connected: We're all in this Together

Connected: We're all in this Together

Over several years I’ve been on a journey of increasingly appreciating the inescapably interconnected nature of humanity and the calling to the church to respond to that connectedness well. Here are a couple of talks in which I address this theme as it appears in 1 & 2 Timothy.

Below are two talks from a sermon series I developed around 1 and 2 Timothy. It was an absolute dream of a series to work on. It focussed on a theme I am deeply passionate about - our interconnectedness. It offered a seed bed for me to develop my early thinking about cruciform theology - though i wouldn’t have called it that at the time. It gave me the excuse to study in more depth the letters of 1 and 2 Timothy - two texts I was fascinated by but slightly nervous of. And on top of this I got to work with some of my closest friends, studying and teaching alongside them, and trialing out alternative, more socratic approaches to the pulpit. I can honestly say that, personally, it has been one of the most formational teaching series I’ve ever had the privilege of being involved in.

There are two talks below:

  • The first is an introduction to the notion of our interconnectedness as human beings and how we might best engage with the content of 1 and 2 Timothy. A huge amount of credit for this series and the content of these recordings goes to her.

  • The second takes a look at 1 Timothy 2. Unfortunately the audio didn’t capture the input from Jen - my co-preacher for the day and my teacher during the preparation. Neither did it capture the discussion or plenary times which is a shame, as a lot of learning was developed out of this.

Asking Jesus - Jesus' Authority and the Value of Questions

Asking Jesus - Jesus' Authority and the Value of Questions

Introducing... Isaiah

Introducing... Isaiah